Friday, June 10, 2011


Ven, 03 Giugno 2011
Il pilota del Team San Carlo Honda Gresini ha accantonato il tormentone del dopo Le Mans e della vigilia del Gran Premio di Catalunya ed è risalito sulla moto disteso e sereno dando il meglio di se in pista. Determinato e concreto è stato secondo soltanto a Stoner nei pochi giri percosrsi nelle prove della mattina e quelli del pomeriggio. Purtroppo il tempo bizzarro non è stato di aiuto ma partendo da una buona base rimangono ancora pochi interventi da fare per le prove di domani. “Super Sic” è fiducioso e spera di ridurre la distanza da Casey Stoner candidandosi anche lui per la vittoria sul circuito di Montmelò. Positiva anche la prestazione di Hiroshi Aoyama a conferma della costante crescita che sta facendo il pilota giapponese.

Marco Simoncelli (2° 1’ 43” 468) “Quando sono arrivato in circuito mercoledì ero alquanto teso ma già durante la giornata di ieri ho cominciato a rilassarmi ed oggi quando sono salito in moto mi sono trovato subito a mio agio senza avere brutti pensieri per la testa. Siamo ripartiti bene, Stoner è leggermente più veloce ma noi siamo vicini. Dobbiamo cercare di migliorare nel settore tre e quattro perché sono i due punti dove perdo più terreno però sono fiducioso e contento di essere ripartito da dove avevo lasciato. Abbiamo ancora un po’ da lavorare ma credo che possiamo farcela e poi se in gara riuscirò a stargli vicino  potrò ancche vedere cosa posso imparare da lui. Naturalmente le condizioni altalenanti di oggi non ci hanno aiutato perché in totale avremmo fatto poco meno di venti giri e quindi speriamo di avere per domani condizioni meteo più favorevoli.”

Hiroshi Aoyama (8° 1’’ 45” 666) ”Le condizioni metereologiche di oggi non hanno consentito di lavorare come avremmo voluto ma comunque sono abbastanza soddisfatto. Anche quando la pista sembrava asciutta non era perfetta ed in queste condizioni è difficile trovare il giusto set up della moto. Domani speriamo che le condizioni migliorino per poter continuare a valutare il miglior setting della moto e poter ottenere un buona posizione sullo schieramento di partenza.”
Fausto Gresini “Giornata dierei nel complesso più che positiva. Marco è sceso in pista sereno ed è riuscito a rimanere concentrato girando costantemente con buoni tempi. E’ riuscito a scaricare in pista un po’ della tensione accumulata in questi giorni ed è andato molto bene. Deve insieme ai suoi tecnici provare ancora alcune soluzioni ed interpretare al meglio alcune zone del tracciato, ma direi che  le basi per poter far bene ci sono. Anche Aoyama ha fatto segnare un confortante ottavo posto a conferma della sua crescita. Non ha pressione e riesce progredire costantemente senza fare errori un fatto molto importante in questa fase della sua carriera.”

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Celebrity body Tattoos art Galaxy Sex

Celebrity body Tattoos art Galaxy Sex
Several mummies, which date back to 2000 to 5000 A.D., exhumed from Ancient Egypt and the Alps region between Italy & Austria, also carry tattoos. These were simple designs, like lines or dots in monochromatic ink, rather than elaborate patterns. Germany and other parts northern & central Europe also witnessed the use of tattoos among its natives, in the Pre-Christian era.These tribes used organic woad extracts and copper compounds as dying agents. The art of tattooing was prevalent in India since ancient times. Mostly the leaves of a plant known as ‘mehendi’ were used to create a ‘temporary’ pigment. The paste of the leaves was used to create elaborate designs on the skin. It was washed-off on drying, leaving behind red-orange patterns by etching through the layers of the skin. The evidence of the use of permanent dyes and iron needles process were also found.

Hot Arm Tattoo Galaxy

Hot Arm Tattoo Galaxy

When thinking of arm tattoos for women several designs come to mind, and some of them are flower tattoos, butterfly tattoos and tribal tattoos. Many women prefer arm tattoos as they are considerably less painful to get than some other areas of the body. While choosing arm tattoo for girls designs check if it truly represents your personality and if you truly identify with the design. One of the reasons behind this is that a tattoo is permanent and stay with you for life unless you spend a lot of money on getting a cosmetic surgery to remove it. Here are a few designs for arm tattoos for women.

One of the most popular upper arm tattoos for women is the flower tattoo design. You could choose from a variety of flower designs, like lotus, rose, lily, hibiscus, etc. Look at the flower tattoo meanings and choose a flower that appeals to you. The color that you choose for your flower tattoo also plays a significant role in the meaning of the tattoo. Take the lily flower tattoos for example, a white lily represents purity, orange lily represents passion, etc.

They are the most magical and delicate creatures in the world, the butterfly tattoos are one of the best lower arm tattoos for women. Have 2-3 small butterflies in different color combination’s on your lower arm so that they are visible even when you wear a t-shirt. Another butterfly design is to have the wings of the creature wrap around the length of your lower arm. You could also try a combination of butterfly flower tattoos for your arm.

Hot Frog Tattoo Galaxy

Hot Frog Tattoo Galaxy
Hot Frog Tattoo Galaxy of Style Art

Frog Tattoos are highly symbolic but also really cute and funny. They are normally displayed as armbands, on the lower back, ankles, shoulders, upper back, chest etc. Frog tattoo are discovered all over the world. Tree Frog Tattoo are ideal for a young person’s first type of body art.

Frogs have an extremely sensitive skin on it’s body which is thought to be magical. Frog woman was considered as the guardian of fresh water, and it was thought to protect humans from flood or thirst by making and manipulating a dam to control the waters for the maximum benefit. Frogs are often a symbol of harmony, regeneration and life. Frog Tattoo have always been associated with magic as in the Princess kissing a Frog Tattoo and turning him into a Prince.The Frog Tattoo symbol is a popular Frog Tattoo design that cuts across many cultures. The frog is usually seen as a teacher, as a guide to understanding supernatural powers and also as a mentor. You will find that in many cultures, the frog is associated with the ability to jump from one state of consciousness to another. Frog Tattoo are one of the most magical and oldest form which stands for metamorphosis, regeneration and which gives new instructions in one’s life.

Women Temporary Tattoos Galaxy

Because many women consider tattoo as an art, you can consider tattoos for women as a gift for your girlfriend on her birthday. Tattoos for women have become popular in the latest trend that is why you will see people even women who wears tattoos in their body. There are different materials that are used in tattoo making. That is why if you want to have tattoos for uncertain time you can use Trendy temporary tattoos. You can give your girlfriend temporary tattoos that can be use painless and fashionable. These type of tattoos can last for five to ten days. The good thing about temporary tattoos is that you can wash it whenever you do not want to have it anymore and it would not leave any marks. This is perfect as gift because you can find it in a kit that contains different accessories used in tattoo making that comes in different colors.Many tattoos for women are naturally made that is why it enhances the natural beauty of a woman. If you give this item as gift for your loved one it would create a bonding between the two of you as well as you can show her your love and care about her. Keep in mind that woman like things that provides joy and enjoyment while making it. Aside from the fun and enjoyment, you can also spend quality time with each other while you are doing the tattoo on your girlfriend.

Temporary Foot Tattoos Galaxy

Temporary Foot Tattoos Galaxy
Foot Tattoos are very sexy and are becoming more popular by the day. There’s just something about tattoos on the foot. Especially with the cute designs available. If your thinking about getting a foot tattoo there are some things you should keep in mind. There are many foot tattoo designs to choose from. But large or small, cute or sexy, regardless of your choice it is permanent. Unless of course you want to pay the high price of tattoo removal.

Foot Tattoos Can Be More Difficult Than Tattoos Elsewhere.

Foot tattoos are most common for women but guys do get them as well. There are many great tattoo designs for women and men. Regardless you should choose a tattoo that reflects your style and personality.
The most common place for tattoos are on the top of the foot but some choose to get the sole of the foot tattooed. A tattoo on the sole will not have as sharp of detail or color as one on the top of the foot. Keep in mind that a tattoo on the sole is much more difficult to care for than on the top of the foot.

Japanese Back Tattoo Designs Galaxy

Japanese Back Tattoo Designs Galaxy
Japanese Back Tattoo Designs and all about Japanese Tattoo Designs ,Back Tattoos ,Japanese Tattoos ,Tattoos Designs etc.

Apart from honor, Japanese Back Tattoo Designs were also made to inspire. The courtesans, geisha and artists wore Japanese Back Tattoo Designs that labeled who they were, what religions they believed and whom they loved.Japanese Back Tattoo Designs Well-practiced and kept values like religion and love were the common themes that were reflected on the skins of ancient Japanese people as Japanese Back Tattoo Designs .

Some might find this Japanese Back Tattoo Designs , but do you know that the geisha had the names of their lovers’ names tattooed on their backs to prove their love of eternity?Japanese Back Tattoo Design is what they called vow tattoo design. But of course, in present day Japan, Japanese Back Tattoo Designs have become more of an expression of art rather than showcasing promises.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sexy Japanese Tattoo Galaxy for Women Trend

Irezumi, one of the more traditional Japanese tattoo styles depict dragons, koi and other symbols of Japanese culture and lifestyle. These types of Japanese tattoos are becoming increasingly popular with women who are having these sometimes intricate tattoo designs placed on their hips, back, ankles and arms. Even an occasional breast dragon has been spotted in the wild or during a wet T-shirt contest at some spring break bar in Florida or Mexico.

The Trend Story on Japanese Designs For Women

The Trend Story on Japanese Designs For Women
Koi Fish, Cherry Blossom and Lotus Flower Tattoos – The Trend Story on Japanese Designs For Women

Just about any styKoi Fish, Cherry Blossom and Lotus Flower Tattoo Trendle Japanese tattoo seems to currently be hot. Tattooing trends sure change from year to year and in the past few years that has been a real rise in the popularity of Japanese tattoos. Along with the rise of tattoos for women these seem to be two of the biggest trends in the market and two trends that are starting to combine. There are many women, girls and females out there that are getting some pretty pink Japanese tattoo designs inked on themselves including big Japanese sleeve tattoos, large back pieces and even more delicate and cute leg, hip and rib designs. So what do these designs mean and what is the symbolism behind them anyway?

While the symbolism behind any tattoo is not a hard or fast science that the symbol always means just one thing there are some common understandings that can be used. Symbols mean different things at different times and to different people. So what once was a symbol of something that is bad might now be worn as a badge of courage and so on. However these are some of the more common Japanese tattoo meaning for popular designs that women would be most interested in

The Trend Story on Japanese Designs For Women
Koi Fish, Cherry Blossom and Lotus Flower Tattoos – The Trend Story on Japanese Designs For Women

Koi Fish Tattoos Symbolism, Koi fish have been a very deep part of the Japanese psyche for thousands of years. Even today there is hardly a temple that does not have a small koi pond filled with these majestic fish. The original lore probably came from China but has been handed down for so many thousands of years that Japanese now believe that it is always been there own. Anyway the koi fish is believe to be a powerful, strong and independent fish. The story goes that this fish swims up stream against the current (thus is why there are often drawing splashing) and if they are strong enough and have enough power they eventually reach the highest gate and once they pass through it they become a dragon and fly up powerfully into the sky.

The symbolism for most Japanese is one of strength, power and being true to one self. This is something that works well with many women today who want to strike out on their own and feel their own power and independence.

Cherry Blossom Tattoos, The cherry blossom has always been a very deeply symbolic and important flower for the Japanese also. In fact it is probably one of the most important symbols within the culture. The samurai warriors used to write poems and dedicated works of art to capturing the essence of the cherry blossom. In fact in many ways the samurai thought of the cherry blossom as a symbolic of their own life. The cherry blossom comes out early in the year when it is cold. It is very beautiful but also short lived and will soon fall from the tree. So the samurai also believe and felt about their lives they has to live there life everyday like it was their last without any fear of death. Thus many have heard the popular saying that a samurai would wake up in the morning and say to himself quietly today is a good day to die. This was not meant as a death with but as a life wish to live life to the fullest. This has carried into the symbolism of tattooing also and is equally popular along with the koi fish design.

The Trend Story on Japanese Designs For Women
Tattoo Koi Fish, Cherry Blossom and Lotus Flower Tattoos – The Trend Story on Japanese Designs For Women

Lotus Flower Tattoos, Another popular symbol in Japan and actually throughout Asian is the lotus flower. Religiously speaking the lotus flower held great significance historically in India. The power, symbolism and influence of this flower travelled to Asian along with the religious system known as Buddhism. Many believe that the lotus flower best represents the journey of life. The flower starts as a delicate bud down in the bottom muddy part of the water. It slowly pushes to the surface reaching for the sun and then once it hits the top is blossoms into a beautiful flower. This has been symbolic of the journey that every person must go through as they gain enlightenment. Thus you will often see lotus flowers in many religious art works but also it has become a very popular symbol for living life to it’s fullest and striving.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today I’ve got some cool inspiration for yall. Tattoos! I know some people like tattoos, some people dislike tattoos, etc. But I think we can all agree these are some awesome designs! And despite what sort of design you specialize in, I think these are all very inspirational. I especially am a fan of type tattoos, and custom lettering. I also personally find a lot of inspiration from the different artists illustrative styles, there different shading techniques, etc.